Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Underbust corset or Overbust corset

Corsets are fashion item of intimate apparel worn to shape the body into a desired hourglass figure for a more beautiful appearance. Both men and women wear corsets although women are more often the wearers.

Recently the word corset has also been used to refer to corset tops which look like a traditional corset. These corset or corset tops often have lacing and sometimes boning though they have very little effect on the shape of the persons body. Traditional underbust corset and overbust corsets are normally made by a corset maker and should properly by handmade or bespoke corsets, as they are often called, fashioned to the individual wearers measurements.

Corset, as a word, is derived from the Old French word cors, which derives from the Latin term for the body - corpus.

In 1785 the word corset began to be used in the English language to describe a quilted waistcoat or in French, un corset.

The most popular use of a corset is to slim the body and give it a more fashionable silhouette. Women normally try to get a curvy figure with a reduced waist and the appearance of a bigger bust and rounded hips. Historically corsets were worn at some points to give a tubular straight shape which meant reducing the appearance of the bust and hips.
Men usually use corsets to make them appear slimmer.

Overbust corsets cover the torso from below the arms and down to the hips. Alternatively an underbust corset starts below the boobs and goes down to the hips. Some retro corsets or vintage corsets sometimes extend over the hips. A shortened corset which covers the waist is termed a waist cincher or waspie. Some corsets may have garters to hold up stockings, called a suspender corset, or a separate garter belt can be worn.

Often corsets give support to a dress by spreading the pressure of a larger dress and these can give rise to the popular corset dress. The original corset cover was worn under the corset to provide a layer between it and the body. A soft chemise was often worn between the skin and the corset and would be made of silk or cotton.

Corsets are sometimes used for sexual fetishism and often in BDSM activities. In BDSM, a submissive person may be made to wear a corset which would be tight-laced to give some a lot of restriction for the wearer. Dominant persons may also wear corsets, often black corsets, but for very different reasons, such as style, and to give a severe, strong, commanding appearance. A popular fetish costume for women is called the dominatrix costume is dark or black with the woman normally wearing a corset or corset bustier and sexy stockings with high heeled shoes or boots making the woman look very dominant. They will often have a whip or a riding crop.

Corsets are normally made of a flexible material such as cloth or leather and are then stiffened with boning, which are also known also as ribs or stays, inserted into channels within the leather or cloth. In the past steel and whalebone were used for the boning. Plastic is often used now however for lighter corsets and for cheaper corsets. More expensive or stonger quality corsets use spring or spiral steel. The girdle is normally made from elasticized fabric and has no boning.

Vollers corset company is a very historic corset brand tracing it's roots back to approximately 100 years. Vollers make underbust corsets, overbust corsets and the glorious corset skirt dress.
Another superb corset brand is What Katie Did who supply great retro corsets and retro swimwear.

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